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All you need to know to travel and stay
Fast and smooth or slow and relax, choose how you want to reach Lofsdalen

By Car & boat
The slow way up
Lofsdalen is situated in the middle of Sweden, close to the Norwegian border. You can drive to Kiel, Germany and take a Ferry. The color line is a cruise ferry that brings you all the way to Oslo. Book a room and enjoy all the facilities of a cruise and do not forget to watch the beauty of the Oslo Fjord. From Oslo, you still have a 5 hour scenic drive.

Lofsdalen has many facilities you can enjoy
Three restaurants
An Ica supermarket
2 places where you can rent Bikes, boats, skis
Kids indoor playground
Petrol station.

By plane and rental car
Via Stockholm or Oslo
If you travel by plane, you can either choose Stockholm (6 hour drive) or Oslo (5 hour drive). Rental cars are cheaper in Sweden than Norway. Please do not forget to compensate your flight to fight climate change.
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